Some people fail to realise that even though they have purchased and installed an expensive air conditioning system in their homes, it may still perform poorly and inefficiently. They also may keep the system in what they believe to be a good working order, but can struggle to get the proper working efficiency from the system. This article may be of help, as it examines some tips to increase the efficiency of an air conditioning system.

Proper Sizing

It is important to get the correct size of system for your needs; cost does not relate to efficiency. An expensive system that is not correctly sized to your property will still suffer from inefficiency. Undersized systems will have to work harder to maintain a set temperature, meaning that the energy consumption—as well as regular wearing out of the parts—can become expensive.

Having an air conditioning system that is too big for your needs—while not causing the same level of wear to the parts—can have a dramatic effect on energy use in a short period of time. Proper efficiency is achieved when a system's capability matches the size of the property it is cooling.

Refrigerant Charge

If a system's refrigerant is undercharged, it can lead to problems with the efficiency. With a lack of refrigerant, the system will be starved of the very substance needed to absorb the energy in order to satisfy the cooling demand of a certain space or area. This leads to increased operational times of the system and increased defrost cycles. This can then lead to some parts of the system wearing out sooner than they should have. Remain vigilant when it comes to the refrigeration charge in your system; it directly impacts efficiency.

Get Proper Insulation

Insulation that is damaged or generally provides poor insulation is another factor that impacts the system's overall efficiency. Poor insulation can lead to a break of the vapor seal in the system; this can allow condensation to develop on the piping. The thermal insulating properties can then become damaged, and this will result in some of the piping becoming exposed.

Piping that has become exposed acts as a heat exchanger, and will continually reject or accept energy before the refrigerant has had a chance to reach the proper part of the system. This will directly impact the overall performance of the system, and can lead to inefficiency.

A properly inspected and maintained system will perform as efficiently as possible; ensure you or a professional carries out regular checks. A professional like Coolrite Air Conditioning Pty Ltd can help you evaluate the insulation.
